#3 - "Q" - The Queen .... This means that I have officially completed number three!!! I have seen 26 movies which I have never seen, each starting with each letter of the alphabet!
#7 - I went to ocean city and went to some new restaurants!
* 6/11/10 - Happy Jacks Pancake House - I got eggs and toast
* 6/11/10 - Buxy's Salty Dog Saloon - I got steamed shrimp
*6/13/10 - Seacrets - I got an amazing fruit platter
#24 - I officially completed my vegetarian month!!!!
#35 - Today (6/30/10) I took at daytrip with my friend Josh to Philly to see our friend Kristin compete in the Wawa Idol competition! She won and gets to perform with the Googoo Dolls on the 4th of July!!!! I didnt do any sightseeing so I'll be returning for that really soon!!!

#63 - I went to Hershey Park with my friend Brittney on 6/24/10. It was fun!