Sunday, October 24, 2010


10/24/2010 - I went to the King and Queen Seat in Rock State Park today with my boyfriend, Josh and my friend, Kristin. The view is gorgeous so me and Kristin wanted to go up there in the fall when the leaves changed. The King and Queen seat is natural 190 foot rock outcrop which was once a ceremonial gathering place of the Susquehannock Indians.

Me and Josh on the King and Queen Seat

Sunday, October 17, 2010


On 10/14/2010 I completed #7 on my list. I tried 10 new restaurants. I posted about each restaurant throughout the blog depending on when I ate there. The 10th restaurant I tried was called Rocky Run, it is in Glen Burnie at the Marley Station Mall. I ate there with my boyfriend, my friend Kelsey and Lucy & Maureena. They loved it because a man came around and made them some balloon animals :) and the food was pretty good :)