Wednesday, April 27, 2011


It's Wednesday again and I have A LOT to love today!!

* That today is my Birthday!!!

* My little sister is running in a track meet today vs. my old high school! I am so going to watch it!

* My work got me a red velvet cake! My favorite!

* One of my favorite Co-Workers made me a ghetto bow to wear on my name tag! Love her!

* I am going to Fridays for dinner with my man and eating a FREE burger (everything taste better when it is free!)

*I am going to see "Water for Elephants" tomorrow! It was such an amazing book and I can wait to see the movie!

*Josh rented "Black Swan" for me last night! I have been wanting to see it since it went to theaters!

* Josh and I are going to West VA Saturday for Opa's Memorial Service.  I am excited to celebrate his life and spend time with my third family! (my friend Kristin's fam.)

* My new favorite show "Coming Home"

* I am always loving my Goofy Boy!


  1. Yeah for your birthday and red velvet cake! Enjoy your special day!

  2. I'm stopping by from the WILW link-up to say hi! Happy birthday! You're loving some fun things today!

  3. Stopping by from WILW--happy birthday!!! :) Hope you have a phenomenal day! :)
    Jenn @
