Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Linking up with Jamie again!!

I am LOVING that I actually made something edible, and actually really delicious! (with a little help from the boy of course!)
(Baking Banana Bread!)

I am LOVING my Mindy girl and my Pretty girl.  They always make me happy! I am also LOVING how good Mindy was on her long walk on Monday!

I am LOVING these videos on youtube.  I cried like a baby!  And I am proud of all of those in my life who are serving our country!

Josh and John

 My Cousin Andrew - Stationed in Japan

My Cousin Patrick - Just deployed to Egypt

Alex, John and Tim 

 Dave's friend and Dave

A customer/friend of mine, Olen

George (went to Europe with him)

(also, Ben, Carrie, Greg, and Adam)
Thank you for all that you do!

Never Forget our fallen Soldiers - SSGT William Allers III

And as always I am LOVING this guy


  1. HappY wednesday! cute blog! Great things your lovin!

  2. YUM! Banana bread is one of my favorites! AND I totally cried during those videos too. One of my big bros is in the Army, and I'm so in awe of anyone that serves our country! xoxo

  3. Thanks for playing along!

    Those coming home videos get me every time!
