Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I am LOVING that Josh and I are moving in either June or July.  My friends rent out their basement apartment and we are moving in!

I am LOVING that I got to spend time with my favorite people this past Friday! It's almost summer, which means lots of parties at Jeff and Lori's!! (which is where I am moving!)

(I am NOT loving how white I am!)

I am LOVING that I have off work today!

I am LOVING that I feel so much less stressed this week then I did last week!

I am LOVING that I might finally get to go back to school!!!

I am LOVING that when we move, we will finally be able to bring Mika with us!!

and as always I am LOVING my Josh

(he lost a game of beer pong at the party and had to do a beer bong)

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