Wednesday, May 25, 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 15 and WILW

Day 15 - My Favorite Songs That Match a Certain Mood

I cant even tell you what the moods would be but these are some songs I really just have an urge to listen to sometimes:

There are a ton more but these are the ones I have videos for! :)

Linking Up with Jamie

This week I am LOVING:

*That I have off work today!!

*All of the songs listed above!

*This new clothing line Foley and Corinna!! I wish I could afford more from there!

*That I found a top to wear to my friends Bachelorette Party! I can't post anything else about that though!

*That I am taking Mindy to yet another new trail today!  We try to take her to a new one every week and go to our usual ones for the rest of the week! And of course I love Mindy!!

*After he gets home Josh and I are going to look into getting him a new car!  He already knows which one he wants!

*That last night was my little brothers last 5th grade chorus concert!  He is autistic, and he did a great job!

*Playing around on picnik! It is such a fun website!!

*As always I am loving my adorable man!


  1. Great songs!
    Visiting from Jamie's blog!

  2. I just started to get into Picnik! I love it!

    Stopping by from WILW!
