Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I love linkin' up with Jamie for "What I'm Lovin' Wednesday"!!

Things I am loving today....


I am going to the beach with my girls on Sunday, just for the day!  We usually go for the weekend, but this year we're going camping.  But I am glad to go even if it is just for a few hours! 

Saturday night I am going to power plant for my friend Steph's birthday. I love power plant (a series of bars in Baltimore City) and usually only come one a year for Stephs birthday.  Super excited!

I am pet sitting for my friend Sarah starting tomorrow :) I love her animals!  Charlie is the sweetest cat ever and Snickers is HILARIOUS! He is so full of energy!


 My cute, silly man.  We have had a rough past few days and I am so glad we were able to work everything out calmly and like adults :) I love him so much.


  1. Great list today. I love your blog background.

    Happy Humpday!

  2. haha your guy's face in the sideview mirror is priecless!

  3. Such a fun post, love all the pictures!

  4. great pictures! your guy seems goofy :)

    {I'm hosting a giveaway & I'd love to see you there!}

  5. ahhh! We live near each other because I am closeish to Baltimore too! I love powerplant as well! Hope you have an AWESOME time!

  6. Lisa - Thanks!!
    Lauren - Yeah he is a goof!
    Beth - Thanks!
    Amy - thank you! and yes he is!
    Sarah - That is awesome! I live in Harford County :)
